Model Trademark Guidelines
These guidelines are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, which means that you can modify the content as much as you like.
However, one of the goals of the Model Trademark Guidelines is to create some common understanding in the open source community about the appropriate use of other's trademarks. For that reason, we hope that you retain the major concepts embodied in the guidelines and bring any changes that you believe would be beneficial in general back to this site for discussion in the further evolving drafts of the guidelines. And please don't forget the attribution in your version: "Derived from Model Trademark Guidelines, available at"
The Guidelines use the convention of enclosing portions in double carets (<< >>) that need to be customized for your individual use. Also, we have used "~Mark" (a tilde before the word "Mark") for those places where you should insert your own trademark and "~MarkOwner" for the name of the owner of the trademarks.
Model Trademark Guidelines
Coming soon.